SPRING 2014: MONDAYS 10:15AM – 12:05PM (FOX HALL, ROOM 204)
4/21/2014 TIME CHANGE: Final exam on Monday, April 28th 9-11AM 3/31/2014 Change made to independent project rubric regarding movie length, HW06 posted 3/25/2014 Independent project rubric posted 3/13/2014 New version of Slides Lec01 uploaded (one slide incomplete and one missing in previous version) & Homework05 is posted 3/7/2014 No office hours next week (3/10/2014). ENJOY YOUR SPRING BREAK! 2/26/2014 Homework04 is posted & deadline for independent project draft script extended to Friday, Mar 7th 5pm 2/14/2014 Homework03 & Extra credit instructions are posted 2/13/2014 Homework02 deadline extended to Sunday, Feb 16th 5pm 2/12/2014 Slides to all past lectures are now available 1/17/2014 Change made to course calendar: Final exam on 4/28/2014 (previously it said “No Class: Reading Days” on this day, that was a mistake, I apologize) 1/13/2014 Change made to course calendar: No class on 1/20/2014 (Martin Luther King Jr. Day) 1/6/2014 No office hours on 1/6/2014 – please, contact me for an individual appointment this week if you were planning to come to office hours today |
Date | Topic | Readings | Assignments | Additional resources |
6-Jan | Why should we care about Evolution and Islands? Course Guideline Lec01 Slides Lec01 | Reference readings Freeman&Herron: Ch. 1 | Take-home assignment due 13-Jan at beginning of class | Aye-aye: NatGeo, EpicWildlife, TrueFacts, Wired Morning sickness: Discover, Flaxman&Sherman2000 Lactose intolerance: CornellNews, Bloom&Sherman2005 Evolutionary programming: Sims1994_1, Sims1994_2, Gritz&Hahn1997 Adaptation and diversification on islands: Losos&Ricklefs2009 |
13-Jan | Natural Selection & The History of Evolutionary Theory Course Guideline Lec02 Slides Lec02 How to read/write a scientific paper: Slides | Beak of the Finch: Ch. 1 & 2 Reference readings Freeman&Herron: Ch. 3 Futuyma: Ch. 1, Ch. 11 (p. 250-252) | Epigenetics: Scitable article, TEDxOU, Bozeman Science Darwin & Wallace: The Guardian article, Wallace movie | |
27-Jan | Variation Course Guideline Lec03 Slides Lec03 Guest speaker: Dr. Terry Campbell(NCSU) (Answers to questions) | Beak of the Finch: Ch. 3 Paper: Zhou et al. 2012 (Ignore Class II transcripts, marked red) Reference readings Freeman&Herron: Ch. 10 (p. 380-383) Futuyma: Ch. 8 (p. 190-192), Ch. 13 (p. 297-299, 306-308, 317-318) | Homework01 due 4-Feb (Tue) 5pm (submit via email) | Daphnia: De Caestecker et al. 2007, TEDxFlanders, New York Times Cuckoo: BBC Natural World – Cuckoo (full movie) Shade/Sun-adapted phenotypes in plants: Dudley&Schmitt1996 Honeybees: Chittka&Chittka 2010(Epigenetics of royalty), Kamakura 2011 (Royalactin induces queen differentiation) More on phenotypic plasticity: Levin: Ch. I.9 |
3-Feb | Mechanisms of Evolution I Course Guideline Lec04 Slides Lec04 Guest speaker: Paul Durst (Duke) | Beak of the Finch: Ch. 4 Paper: Meiri et al. 2008 Reference readings Freeman&Herron: Ch. 5-7 Futuyma: Ch. 9 (p. 193-199), Ch. 10 (p. 231-235), Ch. 15 (p. 359-363), Ch. 8 (p. 165-178) | Khanacademy review videos: Introduction to heredity, Punnett square fun, Hardy-Weinberg principle Mechanical isolation: Richard Dawkins on orchid pollination, Masly 2012 (Lock & Key review) More on orchids: Wasp mimic (BBC) | |
10-Feb | Mechanisms of Evolution II Course Guideline Lec05 Slides Lec05 | Beak of the Finch: Ch. 5 & 6 Paper: Sorger&Zettel 2011 Reference readings Freeman&Herron: Ch. 5-7 Futuyma: Ch. 9 (p. 193-199), Ch. 10 (p. 231-235), Ch. 15 (p. 359-363), Ch. 8 (p. 165-178) | Homework02 due 14-Feb (Fri) 5pm (submit via email) EXTENDED TO 16-Feb (Sun) 5pm INDEPENDENT PROJECTinstructions draft script due 3-Mar EXTENDED TO 7-Mar (Fri) 5pm (submit via email) | Evolution in NYC: Munchi-South Lab(featuring TedEd video) Estimates of mutation rates: Denver et al. 2004 Argentine ants (supercolonies): Tsutsui et al. 2000, Moffett 2012 PCR (how to amplify microsatellite markers and other DNA fragments): Video1 (ancient but good explanation), Video2 (more detailed) |
17-Feb | Mechanisms of Evolution III Course Guideline Lec06 Slides Lec06 Guest speaker: Dr. Daniel Fergus (NC Museum of Nat. Sciences) (Answers to questions) | Beak of the Finch: Ch. 7 & 8 Paper: Mendelson&Shaw 2005 Reference readings Freeman&Herron: Ch. 5-7 Futuyma: Ch. 9 (p. 193-199), Ch. 10 (p. 231-235), Ch. 15 (p. 359-363), Ch. 8 (p. 165-178) | EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENT instructions (at latest due on 21-Apr) | Happy-faced spider: Oxford & Gillespie 2001, Croucher et al. 2012 Birds of paradise: Cornell project intro, NatGeo Live Sexual selection: Marine iguanas combat, Damselflies sperm removal, Cuttlefish (Nature news), Dark Fishing Spider (Science Take) Additional readings on sexual selection: Andersson&Simmons 2006 (sexual selection & mate choice), Chapman et al. 2003(sexual conflict) |
24-Feb | Evolutionary Trees QUIZ 1 Answer key & follow-up Course Guideline Lec07 Slides Lec07 Guest speaker: Dr. Brian Wiegmann(NCSU) | Beak of the Finch: Ch. 9 Paper: Condon et al. 2008 Reference readings Freeman&Herron: Ch. 4 Futuyma: Ch. 2 | Homework03 due 28-Feb (Fri) 5pm (submit via email) | Khanacademy review videos: Taxonomy & the Tree of Life Sexual swellings in old world monkeys: Nunn 1999 More on phylogenetics: Levin Ch. I.16 |
3-Mar | Patterns of Evolution Course Guideline Lec08 Slides Lec08 Guest speaker: Dr. Brian Langerhans (NCSU) (Answers to questions) | Beak of the Finch: Ch. 10 & 11 Paper: Langerhans 2009 Reference readings Futuyma: Ch. 3 p. 48-55 | Echolocation in bats & dolphins: Parker et al. 2013 Beetles & host plants: Farrell & Mitter 1998 | |
17-Mar | Species Concepts Course Guideline Lec09 Slides Lec09 | Beak of the Finch: Ch. 12 & 13 Reference readings Freeman&Herron: Ch. 16 Futuyma: Ch. 16 | Homework04 due 21-Mar (Fri) 5pm (submit via email) | Cryptic species: Amazonian frogs news post, Funk et al. 2011, Caminer & Ron 2014 More on species concepts: Queiroz 2007, List of 26 species concepts |
24-Mar | Speciation Course Guideline Lec10 Slides Lec10 Guest speaker: Dr. Reade Roberts(NCSU) (Answers to questions) | Beak of the Finch: Ch. 14 Paper: Roberts et al. 2011 Reference readings Freeman&Herron: Ch. 10 Futuyma Ch. 11 (p. 260-265), Ch. 3 (p. 62-63) | Greenish warbler (ring sp.): Irwin et al. 2001, Website Salamanders (ring sp.): Video, Moritz et al. 1992 Cichlids: Mutant Planet video, Maruska et al. 2012 (video of cichlid singing included), Kocher 2004 (review paper) Stag beetles (char. disp.): Kawano 2003 African birds (char. disp.): Kirschel et al. 2009 More on character displacement: Pfennig&Pfennig 2010, Gerhardt 2003 Sorting Finch Species: HHMI | |
31-Mar | Adaptation Course Guideline Lec11 Slides Lec11 | Beak of the Finch: Ch. 15 & 16 Reference readings Futuyma Ch. 11 (p. 260-265), Ch. 3 (p. 62-63), Ch. 7, Ch. 15 | Homework05 due 3-Apr (Fri) 5pm (submit via email) | Mice (adaptation): Vignieri et al. 2010 iBioSeminar Dr. Hoekstra More on adaptation: Barrett&Hoekstra 2011 (review paper), Blog post Arctic fish (adapt. rad.): Matschiner et al. 2011 Bacteria (adapt. rad.): News post, Engel et al. 2011 Darwin’s finches (adapt. rad.): Grant & Grant 2003 Ants (adapt. rad.): Moreau et al. 2006 Silverswords (adapt. rad.): Robert et al. 1990, Baldwin & Sanderson 1998 More on adaptive radiation: Yoder et al. 2010 (review paper), Nature Ed. Knowledge, Levin Ch. I-19 |
7-Apr | The Evolution of Biodiversity & Life History Evolution QUIZ 2 Answer key & follow-up Course Guideline Lec12 Slides Lec12 Guest speaker: Emily Meineke(NCSU) | Beak of the Finch: Ch. 17 & 18 Paper: Meineke et al. 2013 Reference readings Freeman & Herron Ch. 13, Ch. 18 Futuyma Ch. 7, Ch. 17 (p. 407-416) | Why are tropics more diverse: NY Times, Coley&Kursar 2014 Global biodiversity estimates: NY Times, Mora et al. 2011 Fig wasps (Coevolution): BBC video More on life history theory: Nature Scitable, Stearns 1989, Stearns 2000 (review paper), Levin Ch. I-10 Tungara frogs: Halfwerk et al. 2014, Smithsonian article, Dr. Mike Ryan Lab, Video 1, Video 2, | |
14-Apr | Island Biogeography Course Guideline Lec13 Slides Lec13 Guest speaker: Dr. Rob Dunn(NCSU) | Beak of the Finch: Ch. 19 & 20 Reference readings Futuyma Ch. 6 | Homework06 due 18-Apr (Fri) 5pm (submit via email) | Island biogeography: MacArthur & Wilson 1963 Empty islands experiment: Simberloff & Wilson 1969, Wilson & Simberloff 1969 |
21-Apr | Review & movie presentations | INDEPENDENT PROJECT Rubric & Information final script & movie due 21-Apr at beginning of class | The Beak of the Finch: HHMI video clip | |
28-Apr | FINAL EXAM (9:00-11:00am, Fox 204) |